Hi, I’m also feeling like I’m struggling a lot, I already watched this section 3 times, and this particular lecture challenge made struggle a lot.
I think it’s because there have been multiple times when the instructor says : let’s call this variable “x” temporarily, and it’s just a general name, I already watched the Pattern Designs course and I think that’s a bad practice,
I get confused a lot because I don’t know specifically what is the purpose of those variables if they are going to change. At least that’s me.
Maybe you can edit the video suggesting a better name for the variables on screen or to say if the variables are going to change in the next lessons, etc.
I think the variables’ names have to be really explicit so we can really understand what’s happening.
I’m new to this, so I really felt the increasing in difficulty, but I think that’s the reason.
Thank you for reading, despite everything, I’m learning.
1st EDIT: I made some changes to the variables’ names that worked better for me and allowed me to complete this and next lesson challenge easily. I’ll drop it here for anyone who wants them.