#include errors detected / cannot open source file

I’m running into false IntelliSense errors using all the latest software and extension versions on mac.

Mac OS: 12.5.1
Xcode: 13.4.1
Unreal Editor: 5.0.3
VS Code: 1.70.2
Microsoft C/C++ extension: 1.11.5
UE Intellisense Fixes: 3.1.4

I’ve tried the suggested solutions in a dozen or so similar posts and googled the afternoon away, but nothing seems to be working.

So far attempted solutions include:

  • Tools > Refresh Visual Studio Code Project
  • Installing the UE Intellisense Fixes extension and enabling enabling fixes and optional fixes as shown in the “VSCode Intellisnse Fix” lexture in the archived UE4 version of this course.
  • Downgrading to older versions of the Microsoft C/C++ extension
  • Going to “Edit Configurations (UI)” and fiddling with the “Compiler path” and “Include path” settings

As a beginner it’s not obvious how I should be configuring those compiler path and include path settings (if at all), nor why my c_cpp_properties.json file doesn’t seem to include that information or a “defines” section to begin with.

Any help would be appreciated. I’d rather not have to toggle IntelliSense off altogether, but as is currently it’s flagging entire files as being in error.

Thanks in advance!

Is everything otherwise okay? Are you able to compile the code successfully?

Hi Dan. Yep, compiling and everything else works normally. It’s just the IntelliSense is throwing misleading errors.

Vs code intelisense is slow so ig u previously had an error and fixed it it might still show up as an error. If it compiles and everything works it should be fine. I had this problem before. If the errors bother you I reccomend switching to Visual Studio. The intelisense is better than Visual Sudio Code.

Are you using an M1 Mac?

No, I’m using a 2019 MacBook Pro with an Intel Core i7 processor.

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