In Case Others have an issue with the Feet collider

I ran into an Issue when trying to use the Box Collider for jumping and climbing, and after a few trials I found out that sometimes after i would fall a big distance (off the ladder or from the mushroom) I would partially Clip through the floor preventing me from jumping or climbing.

A solution I found was to check the “Is Trigger” box for the Feet (BoxCollider2D). This made it so everything now works, I cant wall jump, I don’t clip through the floor anymore, but can still climb and jump.

Figured I’d post this just in case anyone in the future has trouble with this, this may be a solution for them as well.

Edit: As a side note I am currently using Unity 2021.2.3f1


So simple, I should have seen that.

I was having issues with my player getting hung up on corners of platforms because it was catching on the intersection between the curve of the capsule and the box. Remove physical collision from the box by making it a trigger, and problem solved

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