Impossible to modify dummy animation itself?

Hello and thank for the turnedBaseStrategyGame.
I’m in the Unit Animator video and try to affect the left Shoulder position in rotation to match the left hand perfectly with the rifle.
I’ve duplicate the rifle run animation to be able to modify it but I’ve notice that when I apply the good rotation to the left shoulder in recording mode, when I play it reset my rotation and replay the original one.
I’ve no problem with the rifle, all my modifications are properly applied.
I’ve noticed that shoulder rotation appear in grey in the animation window. as if it can’t be modified:

after playing the animation:

Is the mixamo animation is locked even if whe duplicate it?
Any tips?

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That’s one of Unity’s limitations, it does not let you edit/create Humanoid animations in the Editor, you cannot move bones around, only other non-bone objects like the Rifle.
For modifying the humanoid animation itself, there are some assets on the store that allow you to do it inside Unity, although I haven’t tried them out myself.
Or alternatively load the animation into Blender, modify there, export, and import into Unity

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Ha ok thanks for this explanation :slight_smile:
have a nice day.

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