Importing Sharp Shooter Assets Crashes Unity 6000.0.36f1

I have tried to import the Sharp Shooter assets multiple times (even starting from scratch as a new project) and it keeps crashing Unity 6000.0.36f1 during import. I have sent a report to Unity, but since I am not a paying customer I’m not sure that I will get a response. :frowning:

Does anybody have any ideas?

I disabled my AVG antivirus and Windows Defender to make sure that they weren’t causing the issue.

I have (painfully) narrowed down the problem to the importing of the

If I don’t import that asset by unchecking Settings on the import menu, and then import, everything is fine, but if I enable the URPGS asset and then Unity crashes. This happens even if I use a prior version of Unity.

The problem I see now is that the MainLevel scene in the GDTV Sharp Shooter Assets is a mess - and there’s no camera. If I add a camera it doesn’t fix the pink splotches and the what I presume to be the scene volume.

I also noticed that the Main->Base and Main->Ceiling are missing scripts.


EDIT: I just noticed that you have the starter assets already. Why are you installing a third person shooter asset into a first person project? The cameras are not compatible.

Hi edc237,
That is in my purchased assets - I was looking for the shooter asset - I assumed that it would be in ‘My Assets’ since I’d downloaded it before but it’s not part of the Unity store. Third Person asset it is not imported into the game. The only things imported into the game are the items in the resources tabs from the FPS lectures. What I was trying to show was the check mark on the far right of the image - everything else imported fine if I disabled ‘Settings’, but the moment I enabled it and imported, Unity crashed.

I just did a quick test to verify - I created a brand new project and I imported the Starter First Person controller and then the Shooter Assets and it crashed again.

Hi Biggles007, I just installed Unity 6000.0.36f1 and down loaded both the starter asset and the shooter asset per the video. Unity did not crash and the project is working as it should. There must be something broken on your system. Perhaps you should delete Unity and the two asset packs and re-download all three. If you don’t want to start over, work backwards. Delete all copies of the shooter asset and then re-download it. If that does not work, try deleting both assets and re-downloading.

Hi edc237,
I installed 037f1 fresh, separating the unity directory from the project directory with ‘no joy’. :frowning:

Try deleting both assets. Don’t just re-install, delete them. Then download them again. Something is broken. You re-installed Unity and still have the problem. It has to be something scrambled in one of the assets.

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