Importing Assets into Unity on Mac

For those experiencing issues when using the default archive utility to unzip the assets file, you can open your terminal and use the following:

unzip <filename>

This will then unzip the file properly and you’ll be able to import the assets as seen in the video.


Works like a charm. Thank you.

This worked for me

For people still having problems because of the spaces in the name:

unzip Snow Boarder Sprite
unzip:  cannot find or open Snow, or Snow.ZIP.

You have a couple of options. You can “scape” the space use “\” as in the following command:

unzip Snow\ Boarder\ Sprite\

or use " before and after the name of the file:

unzip "Snow Boarder Sprite"

or use ':

unzip 'Snow Boarder Sprite'

remember to navigate to the folder beforehand.


Thank you. I was one of those people. I appreciate the help. The chevrons didn’t work.

Interesting! Didn’t even know there is a difference … thanks a lot!

Thanks, your post really helped.

Thank you!

I highly recommend an app called The Unarchiver. It’s free from the Mac AppStore and it has always handled these odd zips without having to dive into the Terminal—which can be daunting for many!

Thank you all, guys

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