Imported to Unreal ... almost

I was able to import my mesh and some of my animations to Unreal, however for some reason when I try to rotate and animate the head bone, it works in Blender but not in Unreal.

This video is from Blender, but in Unreal I only get the eye movement. Any ideas anyone?

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Maybe you can take a screenshot in blender to show us your bone hierarchy and dope sheet?

Good idea - here is my rig settings:

I’ve also found issues regarding importing the animated (root motion) into UE4. I think the FBX Export/Import settings should be explained in detail somewhere in the course, there is some information in a later lecture regarding the settings for Unity but not to UE4 (at least up to the Lecture I’m watching right now).

Animation as is in Blender:

Animation imported to UE4:

P.s.: The previous animation (rolling eyes, etc) still work, imported from this FBX file.

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