Imported Asset Pack -- 2nd time around

Just wanted to share information about the good tools from Synty…

This is my second thru this course so I already knew this would happen if I imported Synty paid for asset pack named Polygon Knights –

I used Source control prior to the import and sure enough it did it again just after importing.

Well this time I already knew it would happen I was testing myself to recover from this type of thing.

Heres what I learned.

Part of the characters are set to be invisible . see pic1

------ notice the hidden root

So, what i did was right clicked that Character_Soldier_02_Blue and choose prefab… then
Open asset in Isolation… then
just enabled root in inspector.

My character was moving fine but not picking up anything…

Oh, Yea, I forgot
I did remove the old student character then put in the new one

for some reason the characters are the correct size and work

Yes, unfortunately, there is a mismatch between the scales in the characters in our sample pack compared to the scales in the paid packs… This is actually partially a problem with Synty themselves, they started with inconsistencies in scale. They’ve tried to fix these inconsistencies in newer versions of the packs, but I still run into scale issues when using multiple Synty packs within my games.


I think this may be to do with the avatar that you provide in the animator. Because we have centralised the Animator component on the Character prefab, then each variant is getting the same Avatar. However, each avatar is unique to each of Synty’s packs. Therefore the free one we were provided with doesn’t work with the paid pack. When I adjusted the Avatar on the prefab variant to the correct one, all worked fine.

Thanks for this feedback.

Seems each type of character should at least have its own Avatar?

One controller can still controller them all right?

Just trying to understand these components.

All characters that are based in the same fbx file (model) can share the same avatar (which is why we only need one avatar for the characters included in the student sample), but a new fbx requires a new avatar (which is why adding the Synty Knights pack requires you to use that avatar for the characters based on the Knights.

For Humanoid characters, yes. The Avatar is the “middle man” to make all humanoid characters compatable, as the avatar contains all of the “this is where you find the right hand” type information.

That would be its ‘rig’ right?

Also I have seen some assets that come with animations that have there own triggers…(attack, die, idle, dance, run)
I am trying to get more familiar with how do deal with using assets animations.

Thanks for your feedback…

Yes, Explosive has taken the time to put triggers in all fo their animations, that if the character is facing the enemy will generally sync up the damage to the attack, etc.

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