I'm stuck on a really annoying windows packager bug. I can’t progress with build

I’m running Visual Studio 2022 with 17.6 and Unreal Engine Version 5.3.2
I have been using Visual Studio 2019 and I decided to upgrade to 2022 as 2019 is hard to get working on 5.3.2

I did upgrade to VS 2022 17.9 and that didn’t work, so I downgraded to VS 2022 17.6 and it still didn’t fix it.

This is the build for Windows.
This is affecting all my course builds.

This was the output error log shown in the Unreal Engine 5.3.2 editor:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Running: D:\Unreal Engine Versions\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealPak.exe “D:\Unreal Engine Projects\VS2022_Test1\VS2022_Test1.uproject” -cryptokeys=“D:\Unreal Engine Projects\VS2022_Test1\Saved\Cooked\Windows\VS2022_Test1\Metadata\Crypto.json” -patchpaddingalign=2048 -compressionformats=Oodle -compresslevel=4 -compressmethod=Kraken -platform=Windows -CreateMultiple=“C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Unreal+Engine+Version’s+UE_5.3\PakCommands.txt”
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogPakFile: Display: Parsing crypto keys from a crypto key cache file
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogPakFile: Error: Failed to read command list file ‘C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Unreal+Engine+Versions+UE_5.3\PakCommands.txt’.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): LogPakFile: Display: UnrealPak executed in 0.000801 seconds
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Took 0.44s to run UnrealPak.exe, ExitCode=1
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): Command failed (Result:1): D:\Unreal Engine Versions\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealPak.exe “D:\Unreal Engine Projects\VS2022_Test1\VS2022_Test1.uproject” -cryptokeys=“D:\Unreal Engine Projects\VS2022_Test1\Saved\Cooked\Windows\VS2022_Test1\Metadata\Crypto.json” -patchpaddingalign=2048 -compressionformats=Oodle -compresslevel=4 -compressmethod=Kraken -platform=Windows -CreateMultiple=“C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Unreal+Engine+Version’s+UE_5.3\PakCommands.txt”. See logfile for details: ‘UnrealPak-2024.03.31-21.29.44.t
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool executed for 0h 0m 25s
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown)
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows): BUILD FAILED

This was the info on the logfile:

Running: D:\Unreal Engine Version’s\UE_5.3\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealPak.exe “D:\Unreal Engine Projects\VS2022_Test1\VS2022_Test1.uproject” -cryptokeys=“D:\Unreal Engine Projects\VS2022_Test1\Saved\Cooked\Android_ASTC\VS2022_Test1\Metadata\Crypto.json” -patchpaddingalign=0 -compressionformats=Oodle -compresslevel=4 -compressmethod=Mermaid -platform=Android -CreateMultiple=“C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Unreal+Engine+Version’s+UE_5.3\PakCommands.txt”
LogPakFile: Display: Parsing crypto keys from a crypto key cache file
LogPakFile: Error: Failed to read command list file ‘C:\Users\Mark\AppData\Roaming\Unreal Engine\AutomationTool\Logs\D+Unreal+Engine+Versions+UE_5.3\PakCommands.txt’.
LogPakFile: Display: UnrealPak executed in 0.000487 seconds
Took 0.32s to run UnrealPak.exe, ExitCode=1

Someone had a similar issue on the UE Forums but they never explained how to solve it.
Here is the post I refer to.

I replied to your other post but we cannot help here. This site is primarily for the support of the GameDev TV Courses and we can’t really assist on materials outside of the course.

Hi Mate,
Thanks for your reply.
This is in relation to all my course builds as I can’t build any projects in 5.3.2 at the moment.
I’m studying a lot of your courses on the Udemy website.
Please help me or get Daniel to help me.

Also do I need to migrate all my Udemy courses across to the GameDev platform, so I get more support so you can recognise that I’m enrolled in all these courses?

Hi @beegeedee

I did some serious debugging and I figured out the solution:

  1. The Unreal Engine install directory path had ’ symbol in one of the words in the path.
    the compiler was stripping out the ’ symbol and creating an incorrect path.
    I uninstalled UE 5.3.2 and installed the version with the correct path.
    This fixed bug 1.
  2. The second was the toolchain bug in VS 2022 17.9, which I followed Daniels solution.

The compiler is now packaging all my projects and I’m very happy right now.

Thanks for all your help mate as I really appreciate it :slight_smile:

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For the record, no you do not need to migrate your purchased courses from Udemy to Teachable (the platform we use for the GDTV Site). That said, it’s helpful to use a course tag when you make your thread to help associate which course (or courses, in this case) it’s related to. This also helps inform the TAs which questions are related to them.

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Thank you for the clarification, I also wanted to ask the same.

@Unreal5Rocks Tuomo is correct but I find the video better here and it is easier to see comments against the videos. The only good thing about Udemy is casting from your phone and watching offline.

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