I'm dumb!

Hello world,

first of all, i never tried to write programming code… obviously i’m here to learn but, damn i can’t understand any single line, and i can’t remember all of the functions …i’m at chapter 15 and is HARD LIKE HELL!!!

What does it means? I’m at the beginning of this course and i’m feeling like a monkey in front of a blank screen… is it normal?
Really, i write the codes but i’m learning nothing. What can i do?
I’ve tried to consult some guides to know in details the meaning of some functions (not technical explanations, just like: this function is used to make blablabla ecc…) like… using namespace std, constexpr int, << , ecc. ecc… but nothing.

I write this topic to know if is this a good course for me?..I can continue or is better stop right here?

P.S : i love gaming and Unreal Engine too, so this is the only reason that i’m here.

Sorry for my bad english.

Best regards, Roberto

Hey Roberto,

I certainly feel your pain in regards to being new and having issues understanding everything.
Earlier today I got to a chapter about “bool,” and for the first time I just sat there, staring blankly at the screen and feeling completely lost. I still gave it a try, but in the end I had to look for solutions among our fellow students. It turned out I was partially right, my placement of a line was simply off by a bit.
What I mean by my blabbering is that maybe you need to give yourself more of a chance, and make yourself work for it, too. Talk to yourself, as was mentioned in the very beginning of the course, and discuss with yourself the issue presented and how you might solve it. And then just try. It doesn’t matter that you get 50 error messages in a row, as long as you’ve change something every time so you’re not just trying the same.
I’m absolutely sure you can do it. Don’t give up on yourself, keep searching for the angle that makes sense to you.

Also, your English perfectly understandable, my friend.



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