Everything was going well but I seemed to have hit a snag with my armature when I set the cone to be the control bone. This is what is looks like before I set the IK Bone Control:
Then this occurs shortly after:
I thought I had already set up all transforms but it appears something is still off. Could this be due to the IK constraints? Iām going to do some testing but wanted to get an idea before I go down a vicious cycle of undos haha Thanks in advanced.
Note: I did nudge the custom cone over a bit because it appeared originally to not be aligned with the head of the original bone that was extruded from the lamp shade bone.
From this:
to This with the controls under the Viewport Display:
I think I may have just been trying to have everything look exactly how it was in the lecture but I think its fine, just needed to move the cone back and then it just so happened that we removed the cone for a spehere haha. Everything is looking goood now