IK Limits for the Lamp Bones

I ran into a problem when trying to set up the IK limits. Rest position would not be able to copy out to the posed position. the bones actually were wonky and it took a lot of finagling to get them to settle correctly. I went through many settings to see what the problem is. Alt-G, and Alt-R (Option R or G) would place the lamp into some strange stretched out position. Rotations were definitely not working as expected.

I ended up thinking I should position the lamp into the position it should be and set that as Rest position using (one a Mac) ^-A (Control-A). That kind of worked but the bones were not rotated on themselves properly. The were twisted and the X, Y, and Z coordinates were tilted in positions that I was not expecting. That is when I noticed that the properties for the 3D Cursor had rotations applied, and there was a keyframe for location and rotation on the timeline. I am not sure if having rotations on the 3D Cursor has anything to do with this. At least I changed it back to zero degrees and deleted the keyframe from the timeline. The lamp is now able to be positioned.

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did you apply scale to the bones, before rigging (attach armature)?

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I do not remember scaling the bones as I was building them, except for the control bone that we changed into a sphere from the cone shape. After I adjusted the size I applied the scale so it would work correctly.
I used to run into the problem of not applying the scale and then getting strange results when trying to bevel the edges. I try to remember to apply the scale to the mesh as I am working on it.
I’ll go back through the bones and make sure they all have the proper scale. Thank you for your comment.

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It’s the scale of the objects, which is best to set them to 1. By applying scale.
Then construct your bones and when all in place. Then connect bones to object.

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