If you can not extract method - here is a solution!

Rob, unfortunately it does not work. As you may guess I permanently switch between 2 languages. Russian and English. Not all the software can react the same way on short-cuts. Well, Adobe Creative Cloud apps yes. Other apps are not so ‘clever’.

By the way thank you for cleaning up my code pages in this forum. I don’t know why it causes break when copy-paste action applied.

I wonder if perhaps the languages differences have anything to do with it? Would seem odd, I assume the keyboard short-cuts would simply re-map, alas I have no knowledge of the Russian language so wouldn’t be able to help much on that one.

No worries with regards to tidying up the code, as a heads-up, insert three ``` characters before and after the code you paste in and the forum will apply code formatting for you, it’s really easy and it makes it a lot easier to read, both for yourself and for other :slight_smile:

See also;

Will do my best, Rob!
Thank you. Now it’s time to spread attention on some other things. Need to fix some issues in re-topology of living hub module for alpha-version that we develop :slight_smile:

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Enjoy :slight_smile:

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