If anyone else is having difficulties finding the file in this video:

I was having quite a bit of trouble finding the file mentioned in this video while using Unreal 4.23.1 / Visual Studio 2019, so I thought I’d make a quick post to help out anyone else having the same issue.

You can find the file directly at this path:
In my case it was this:
C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.23\Engine\Binaries\Win64

If you open the file in any text editor, add the space, and save it, it will work like shown in the video.


I have Unreal 4.23 as well and the file in question was found just like it was in the video. Was it not in the same location for you as he was browsing via the Unreal editor GUI??

Huh, maybe it’s a compiler thing then. I use Visual Studio instead of VS Code because I’m more comfortable with it, and I couldn’t seem to find it with it!

Either way, the directory I posted will work in case someone else has the same issue!

Yeah I bet you are on to something there. Maybe Visual Studio doesn’t display all the directories like VS Code does so you need to know the physical location of the file. I think it’s good to know anyways just in case. Thanks for the tips Kal213!!!

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Thanks I also use Visual Studio 2019 and it helped me !!

Same here using VS 2019, I found the file with (I thought) the correct name through VS but it looked different once I opened it. The original fix didn’t work.

Finding the file and editing it as you describe through Windows Explorer worked perfectly and it’s now compiling in 3 seconds. Thanks for the tip!

Thank you…

Thank you @Kal213 :grin:
with your help I found my file in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.22\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealHeaderTool.target
(I am running VS2019 & UE 4.22 )

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