I think I broke unreal somehow

(Successfully added class ‘Tank’, however you must recompile the ‘TankGame’ module before it will appear in the Content Browser. Failed to automatically hot reload the ‘TankGame’ module.

Would you like to open the Output Log to see more details?)

The tank class doesnt show up in ue4

when I open viisual studio with ue4 closed, I get weird error. it doesnt look right at all.

fixed. wow cant believe a mistakingly added ; caused so many problems.

Well solved, it’s all part of the rich learning journey

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I’m having the same issue, where did you mistakenly add the ;? Maybe that’s my issue too.

it could be anywhere, it might not even be a ; your looking for. it could be (, {, etc. its been 4 days though, you probably already found your problem.

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