I Stil Have Collision problems!

I have a problem when moving the tank i dont know why its like hitting the air what to do about that?! @ben

Can you provide a little more detail, then @DanM can help.

I’m assuming this is the bug like you’re hitting an invisible pebble that’s never properly fixed.

Remember when you have the same problem in the many videos which when your tank moving it like its colliding with something invisible and make the tank turn over @DanM @ben

That’s what I was talking about, it’s only mitigated later on but never truly resolved. Not entirely sure what’s going on with that either.

yes i hope our friend @ben solve it for us :smiley:

Not sure if this was done in the lectures, but those ski type tracks can be instantly improved by swapping the jagged collision box for a capsule collision mesh. The curved edges help on the those collisions:

The collisions themselves are still yet to be dealt with though. I suspect using invisible wheels in place of track collision might fix it though?


Thanks a lot!!!

My tank was bumping like fool but by replacing my collision box with a “Capsule Simplified Collision” there is no jumping anymore.

Oh dear lord so simple yet so good :smiley: Thanks @Brownie so nice to drive 3 meters without flailing helplessly in the air :smiley:

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