I messed up

I was playing around trying to get Solve error 3.xxx lower when it just jumped to 0.0000 and suddenly all the solve errors on the tracks disappeared. Now a minute before, I had shift stuck (it sticks sometimes due to it being an old keyboard) because when I was pressing G the selected track was not moving but bringing up ‘Select Groups’ menu. Also the blue bar went pink and orange. However, other than the blue bar turning pink and the Solve error being at 0.0000 everything seems to be working well.

Any advice?

Save and restart Bender?

I kept on working, it ended up just fixing itself, no restart required. Did actually occur again and then fix itself again. No idea what I pressed or was pressing. Oh well. Thanks for the tip anyway.

My biggest irritation with Blender are those hot keys. When I am working, pressing keys, etc. The mouse moves accidentally to an other window. Where the hot keys do have a different effect. And then you get unexpected behavior. Because unknowing what you did.

Yeah I hear you, it’s convenient with the hot keys but sometimes they’re a little too much to handle. Specially with different parts of the screen having different editors. Good news is, when you have another editor of the same project open in another window you have to choose that window in order for the hotkeys to work so no chance of accidentally hitting a hotkey there.

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