help i reinstalled windows 11 und now i dont have my project file how can someone send me this file from
First off, welcome to GameDev community!
To be honest, this might sound like a pain in the butt, but you’d probably be best off working through the project again.
I say this because:
- Obstacle course is not a hard project. After you’ve done it once, you’ll realize that the second time will be a breeze and you’ll likely go through it again in a day or two.
- If it is not a breeze the second time you work through it, then you need the practice of doing it again.
- You’ll probably have a few new ideas that you’ll want to try when you do it again, partially because the material is more familiar and you’ll probably feel a little more adventurous about doing something different the second time.
- This has probably happened (or will happen) to every single one of us at one time or another and frankly, this is why we learn version control and Git.
Doing the project a second time is your best option, in my opinion. It won’t take nearly as long as you’d think.
And believe me, I lost my Argon Assault, Terminal Hacker, Terminal Hacker UI, and a few other projects for the exact same reason. I feel your pain, my duder!
I think you can also DL the complete project files from the GameDev resources. They should be available so you can check your code against the instructor’s code. That said, you won’t learn as much by doing this.
I also recommend checking out the Git course. I’ll admit, I found the Git course to be a little confusing at first, but working through the first half of it has been invaluable, especially if you can get it on sale.
Continuing to learn Git from ongoing practice and learning CLI (Terminal) commands from the Git site has been extremely helpful.
Bonus info:
If you’re not familiar with Terminal (CLI), I’d definitely study up on some basic Terminal commands as well. Terminal saves a lot of time as it keeps you from having to reach for the mouse every few seconds. It might not make sense now, but if you stay in this field, you’ll thank yourself later.
At a bare minimum, these are some basic Terminal commands you should know:
ls - lists the contents of the current directory
cd - change directtory: cd folder1 moves into folder1
cd … Moves backwards by 1 directory (parent directory) (<-- This command has only two(2) dots. I don’t know why this shell is adding a third. It looks like it’s spell-correcting for an ellipsis.)
mkdir - Makes a new directory: mkdir folder1 creates a directory named ‘folder1’.
rm - Removes a file: rm file.txt will delete file.txt
rm -rf - Used to empty the contents of a directory and delete the directory: rm-rf folder1 will delete the contents of folder1, then delete it
touch - creates a new file: touch file1 creates a new file named file1
cp - copies a file to a new file: cp file1 file2 will create a file named file2 in which the contents are identical to file1. Both files will still exist as separate items.
mv - moves or renames a directory and deletes the old: mv file2 file3 will make a new file named file3 that has the contents of file2, but it will then delete file2. It essentially acts as-if the file2 was simply renamed.
Note: These commands work with Mac and Linux. Windows commands might be a little different, but the importance of learning the Windows equivalent remains the same.
I hope this is helpful.
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