I have an issue with the camera when I change the spring arm rotation type

Hi everyone!

When I change the spring arm rotation type from “Relative” to “World” and hit “play”, the camera changes, it goes in front of the player pawn and it’s looking backwards.

Any idea why is this happening?

I have fixed it by rotating the spring arm in the BP, but why did that happen in the first place…?

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Had the same issue, found a few threads online of a somewhat similar issue that was unsolved - might be a bug.

Edit: Check to see if you created your game world into the negative X axis. Select a static mesh object and check its transform X coordinate, then select another object further into the level and check its X coordinate. If it starts as a positive but gets smaller, or turns negative, or starts negative and goes more negative, then your world is ‘backwards’.

Turning it resolved it in my case - select all objects in the World Outliner (ctrl+a) and just rotate/move it all as one.


thanks for the reply!

yes, my world is backwards… I realized that in the next video lecture, where the instructor says “We know that X axis in Unreal is forward…” :laughing: !

I was going to do the same thing, to rotate all as one. Nice to know that it worked for you, I guess it will resolve the issue in my case too

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