I have a problem with my Scene Tab

Hey everyone,

I have a problem with my scene tab,
as you can see “BlueEnemy1” is disappearing behind my background and after searching for solutions I could’nt find any and I myself have no idea how to solve this. Can anyone help me please :D?
(it might be a stupid question and a simple solution)
Thanks in advance!




Check the enemy ships transform, specifically the Z axis. Also, check the layers and sorting order for the sprite renderer component.

Hope this helps.

Hey Rob,

Thanks for answering. I will try that out and let you know if it helped or not. Thanks!

Hi Martijn,

No problem. I suspect your sprites and background are all on zero on the Z axis, altering your background to say -5 or something similar will probably resolve it.

Hey Rob,

It worked! Thank you very much for your help. I will next time think about the Z axis as a possible problem, did not think that one through. Have a nice day sir!

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You’re very welcome, I’m glad you can move forward with the course again :slight_smile:

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