I had a strange problem with climbing camera

So whenever I was at the edge of the bounding box of the camera and climbing a ladder while moving towards the platform the camera suddenly snapped as I got off the ladder for some reason, I solved it by setting the Min value for the Climbing camera to 1 like this:

Edit: I recorded a video of the bug, note that my climbing camera only zooms out by 1 compared to the run camera so it’s quite subtle.

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@MikkoK, yes that’s exactly what I was getting too! I’ll try changing the Min value and see what I get.

Thanks for the video, that was perfect :slight_smile:

Later…: I tried changing the min value, but that didn’t solve it. I got very close by turning off the custom blend, only one glitchy spot now. I’ve tweaked every setting one at a time but the jump never goes away completely.

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