I got stuck, but I dont think it was my fault

Well , I wanted to do one last still but cheat use a still from an animation so it would give it some action to the shot. I was going to have bigman burst through a wall, but the animation just was not taking the collision.

A bummer in any case, as I thought that would be one fun fast little post in the story of bigman. My thought, the metarig item used does not have a rigid body property, and the motion of the rig does not move without the pose. so, even though the body has rigid properties, it does not apply as the metarig is the one doing all the moving. Since the metarig does not ragdoll after frames have passed, it just stays suspended using no actual physics.

Anyway, here’s the still before bigman would have busted through the wall.

bigman breakout optim
It was my fault.

Reading the Blender Manual gave me the right step I needed (Creating a Rigid Body.

I was right in selecting “Rigid Body Constraint” on the metarig, but I did not link the Bigman mesh as Active for the rigid body.

I goofed on the pose, as the origin was way outside of the mesh and the Bigman would break the wall before even getting close.

Now the Bigman smashes through the wall and I can move on with the lessons :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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