I got it without watching the solution, and I learned something about "else"

I figured out how to do this without watching the solution. (still haven’t watched it)

bool FBullCowGame::IsLowerCase(FString Word) const
TMap<char, bool> LetterLowerCase;
for (auto Letter : Word)
if(Letter != tolower(Letter))
return false;
else { }
return true;

I learned that we don’t have to have anything inside of the “else brackets” I was having trouble because I kept telling it to return true, but when I did, it would only check if the first letter is lowercase. So once I made the “else” blank, the function works properly.

Maybe you’ve figured this out by now, but you don’t even need an else clause!

For example:

bool FalseIfHasA(FString Word)
    for (auto& Letter : Word)
        if (letter != 'A')
            return false;
    return true;

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