I got it half right!

Alright, so this Solo Experience was a bitter sweet victory for me, I got the big chunky stuff down, such as making a method for the Password check and making it show up in the OnUserInput, I kept making the if statement like:
void Passwordcheck (string answer)
if (answer== “book”) {
Termninal.WriteLine(“You Win”);

and it worked! but I couldn’t replicate it for the second answer, it was nice to get ONE answer going haha, actually the original win screen was eh…well excuse my potty mouth but it said “F***” because It took me an hour and a half to get it right. So after that bitter sweet moment I went back watched what Ben did and wow, the littlest thing of just making a string that could be universally carried over…ugh I was so focused on big chunks of code and over thinking that I didn’t realize that the little things matter.
I hope whoever’s reading this doesn’t get discouraged, if you completed it all the way through or could only get one line of code in or none atall, DO NOT GIVE UP!!!

I’m not sure what I should review back if what I missed was adding a string at the top, and then giving the else and if statements their own passwords, anyone?

I was about to post what happened to me but basically it’s the same as you - mostly forgot about little, simple things that could have saved me quite a lot of time and lines!

I did succeed in having multiple passwords and checks going, but with too many functions that awkwardly passed the input/passwords.

So lesson 1 would be ‘keep it simple and don’t get carried away until the basis is good’. Onward!

I have a tendency to overthink things too so I know your frustration. I’m just happy I was able to get part of it right on my own so at least I know I am gaining ground on learning.

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