I get a strange offset spawning the enemies

Hi eyeryone :slight_smile:

I don’t have an idea why,
but the enemies spawned at a wildly different location than the ones stored in the SpawnPos_01 to _06 …

The spawn locations were correctly stored in that SpawnPos_01 to _06 markers, but only some of them spawned on-screen.

I had to subtract 1200 from the original 1350 X value, and subtract 348 from the original Y value to get the desired spawn positions.

I checked: there are no Transformation (Scale, Position, Rotation,…) values changed in any nodes of the EnemySpawner scene, and the EnemySpawner scene origin is still at 0,0.


I found the solution of this problem…

man… i was stupid :joy:
I looked at the EnemySpawner scene for position changes … but not at the game scene.
There my strange offset comes from…

(I noticed this only today, a few lessons later, as I put another Area2D node into the game scene and found it landed at a totally strange location - on top my misplaced EnemySpawner scene instance…)


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