I found it more precise setting up an aim point

Playtesting I noticed that the camera center did not felt precise, especially with the aim on. At least in my case.

So I created an aim point (scene component) and put it where the rifle should aim:

Then I simply used its properties to spawn my line trace


after proper playtest, that didn’t work. Anyway, also with the solution proposed by the instructor sometimes the line moves from the center.


I also did a similar method after the line trace wasnt hitting in the right place after using camera manager. I used the burst point we created in a earlier chapter and the results were what i wanted.

You are 100% correct. I would NOT recommend using the Camera Manager as the shot will not come from the gun but from a point (likely middle of the camera) so the aiming will be off. I recommend using the Burst Point’s socket location and forward vector so the shot definitely comes from the end of the gun to the intended target. You’ll notice that if you have the trace visibility on while aiming and firing, the shot is exact. This is how I set it up:


Thanks Adam and all - using the player camera manager was not precise - but this set up worked great!

To fine tune the end point of the line trace you can add that ADD Vector just before you stick it into End. Mine was a little too low and I added 170 to the Z axis.


I recommend using the camera manager, since it will come and bite you later on when adding the crosshair HUD.

Both approaches are nice, tho, each with its own problems.


Thank you, this really helped

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