I feel like I have come so far, yet, there is so, so, so much more to go!

Heres a clip of whats workin out so far!

I’m making my way there!! Starting to get the code down. Built a Game Manager script and started organizing functions and how this is all gonna work out. Cant wait to start getting into level design and making some nice looking ships, and of course, a cool looking character.


Looking good so far, the only thing that looks a little off is the jump, it’s like super floaty.

Also, I have some questions. What’s the point of going out of the ship? Like what’s the final goal? Don’t get me wrong, the mechanic is really cool, but from a game design perspective, What’s the point of going out to the exact same place when I can simply travel the same world with my ship in a faster (maybe even safer) manner?

I tried to respond via email, not sure if it actually worked, but the main concept behind the getting in and out of the ship is all the puzzles ahead, and gameplay features opened up. The game will only make sense, if you make it make sense. The point will be well across when the game is played :wink: Not to give to many secrets away, but there will be many many instances where you will want to explore on foot. To find parts to make upgrades, to find weapons, to find parts for new ships, not to mention puzzles. There will be various areas gates are closed or blocked off and you cant get through with your ship. You need to be on foot to get into a base and kill all the enemies inside to get to the switch to open the gate so you can get through with your ship. Also there will be many dangers that might be better off traveled on foot to best avoid them, in more of a stealth manner, vs flying around and being out in the open getting wreked by crazy enemies above. The possibilities are endless, but there is a very large goal in sight, and the maps will be huge with tons to explore. Think Super Metroid, mixed with Legend of Zelda, mixed with Sub Terrania(Sega), an hell, even throw in some Castlevania features, maybe a dash of Megaman, and that just might put the excitement over the top haha :wink:

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Sorry, I didn’t get any email.

It sounds cool, I’m just a little concerned that this might get too big, I mean, I don’t want to sound rude or anything, it’s just that I’ve seen so many people start as eager as you, but end up burning out really fast, of course, I don’t know if you are new to this, if you are not then I hope you have everything figured out and are well organized, but if you are new just please, be careful with scope creep, I’ve seen so many developers fall to that it’s not even funny.

Don’t see why you need to be concerned about anything? Its my project haha. I will let you know when early access begins :wink: Just know I am well organized and well on my way. Not my first time around, just my first time, around here :slight_smile: Need not to worry my friend, just have fun doin what you’re doin. Will keep you posted.

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I did that. Super zippy ship

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