I don't understand where FBullCowGame.cpp is being used

I’m at the point where I have 3 files:

Both of the .cpp files have this line:
#include "FBullCowGame.hpp"

But neither the “main.cpp” nor the “FBullCowGame.hpp” files give any indication of including the other .cpp file “FBullCowGame.cpp.”

How is the second .cpp file able to be used? When compiling do all of the .cpp files in a project essentially get treated as if they were in the same document, one pasted right after the other?

All the cpp files that need to be compiled for a given project are listed in a special textual file. For linux it is the Makefile, for VS it is an XML file with .vcproj extension. Not sure how it is called for Xcode, but it should be there if you explore your project directory, I guess.

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