float AShooterCharacter::TakeDamage(float DamageAmount, struct FDamageEvent const &DamageEvent, class AController *EventInstigator, AActor *DamageCauser)
float DamageToApply = Super::TakeDamage(DamageAmount, DamageEvent, EventInstigator, DamageCauser);
DamageToApply = FMath::Min(Health, DamageToApply);
Health -= DamageToApply;
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Health: %f"), Health);
if (IsDead())
ASimpleShooterGameModeBase* GameMode = GetWorld()->GetAuthGameMode<ASimpleShooterGameModeBase>();
if (GameMode != nullptr)
return DamageToApply;
void ASimpleShooterGameModeBase::PawnKilled(APawn* PawnKilled)
void AKillEmAllGameMode::PawnKilled(APawn* PawnKilled)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Pawn has been killed!"));
If you run the game and the character dies, the log will pop up. Logs that you’re dead.
But I think AShooterCharacter called the function of SimpleShooterGameModeBase, but I don’t know how the function of the child class AKillEmAllGameMod was called…