I done made a cursed

It ended up looking kind of eerie. I was going to do cushions (cushions! Can you imagine?) but i guess maybe i shouldn’t dwell on the first lecture for, like, hours :sweat_smile:
i’m having a blast!

I’m happy to report that a few lectures later, it is now less cursed :yum:


Welcome and well done on this scene, it looks really good! :slight_smile:


Thank you for the kind words :relaxed:

Welcome to this site.

That is a fine looking room, be great if you get to adding colours to the objects. Perhaps after it is covered in the course.


WOW. such a cool atmosphere. the first screenshot looks like some shot from a horror movie! amazing :heart:

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Ohhh, the colored version is looking really nice. Not so creepy/cursed anymore. :wink:

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