I do not understand why the user input gets saved to the Input variable

I am absolutely loving the course so far, but do not fully understand what’s going on in the below code:

void UBullCowCartridge::OnInput(const FString& Input) // When the player hits enter

I know this lesson is specifically made to explain this, but I still do not understand. What is it about this code, that specifically tells the computer to save the user input to the const Input ? Is this OnInput function written somewhere else, and we are just accessing it from outside? I cannot find it in the Unreal documentation
Would really appreciate an explanation,
thanks in advance!

Read This File Source/BullCowGame/Console/Terminal.cpp

// When You Press Any Key Then UTerminal::OnKeyDown Is Executing
void UTerminal::ActivateTerminal()
    FInputKeyBinding PressedBinding(EKeys::AnyKey, EInputEvent::IE_Pressed);
    PressedBinding.KeyDelegate.BindDelegate(this, &UTerminal::OnKeyDown); 

// Here If You Pressed A Button Which Is Not "Enter Button" Then The Key Will Be Added To InputLine As FString 
//And If You Press Enter Then AcceptInputLine() Will Execute
void UTerminal::OnKeyDown(FKey Key)
	if (Key == EKeys::Enter)

	if (Key == EKeys::BackSpace)

    const FString KeyString = GetKeyString(Key);
    const FModifierKeysState KeyState = FSlateApplication::Get().GetModifierKeys();
	if (KeyState.IsShiftDown() || KeyState.AreCapsLocked())
		InputLine += KeyString.ToUpper(); //InputLine Is Storing What You Type
		InputLine += KeyString.ToLower();


// Finally AcceptInputLine() Will Call The Function OnInput(const FString& Input) Of UBullCowCartridge 
void UTerminal::AcceptInputLine()
	Buffer.Emplace(GPrompt + InputLine);
	auto Cartridge = GetOwner()->FindComponentByClass<UCartridge>();
	if (Cartridge != nullptr)
		Cartridge->OnInput(InputLine); // This Is The Line Where You Write BullCow Code [void UBullCowCartridge::OnInput(const FString& Input)]
	InputLine = TEXT("");
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