I Couldn't find the parent socket on turret

Here I’ve made the socket already

And it says none all the time, I couldn’t click the magnifier

Sometimes it took me a few clicks to actually have it work on the mag glass icon.

Or if that didn’t work

Did you make sure the turret was a child of the parent in the BP?

It should look something like above. If its not, you need to drag the turret onto the tank which will make it a child of it. If it’s not under the Tank, it has no reference to what socket it needs.

I was having the same issue and I figured out my simple mistake. It was actually very easy.

The solution is this: Be aware of where you create the socket

For example if you create the Barrel socket on the tank_fbx_Body then you can only set the Barrel as the parent socket for this Tank Body component, and not on the Turret component.

In other words, make sure where you create the sockets matches the hierarchy of the components.

For me, that was tripping me up since I was creating all my sockets on the tank body. Maybe you made the same mistake. I hope this helps!

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