I could not apply Bevel modifier on lower arm as the normals seems not right


I’ve tried to bevel the lover arm of the lamp but it seems there are no bevels like the head of the lamp. I checked the normals and turned on backface culling but I am not sure if the normals are ok on lower arm.

I seem lost between normals and bevel modifier I guess :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the replies beforehand :smiley:

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I followed this post from the respective Q/A section and after dissolving those 3 edges I was able to apply the bevel modifier on the upper arm but I am still in need of help for the lower arm :woozy_face:


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The bevel modifier amount depends on the scale and size of the object.
most people forget to apply the scale, so it would be ‘1’.
It then depends how big the arm is in dimensions. Say it is 0.2m and your bevel amount is 0.25m then it is too big! lower in the 0.005m. experiments

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Well fascinating, Blender has sneaked in a colouring and split normal instead of edge while I was not looking! Practically never use the line indicators of normals since we got the red/blue colour guide.

Bevel modifier, Limit Method set to angle?
I also think looking closely in that blue coloured image there are signs of hashing on the side face of the stem, where the double arm goes over it. This may mean there is extra geometry in the stem. That will mess up bevel modifiers too.


I’ve managed to apply bevel on upper arms of the lamp but I am still struggling to apply on the lower arm as can be seen below. I’ve tried to remove extra geometry by “merge by distance” but could not remove anything with that method on the lower arm.

I guess I need to redo the lower arm in this case as I still did not understand what is wrong with it.


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You have double faces!
Use X-Ray mode to see the problem part, or redo the object, it’s a simple one to do.

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The double geometry shows up even better in the latest image. As FedPete spotted too. That red/blue area.

Merge by distance is one quick fix for many causes of double geometry but if the double verts have also been moved a fraction it will not solve the issue without other actions like increasing the merge distance Blender looks. Examine the mesh! Proper edit mode wireframe, see what connects to what, what moves and leave a similart vert below it, etc.

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