I cant understand how to use it

how to find help here where we have to comment ?

I don’t know-how people do it but if you ask a question other people will see it and answer even if it is in comment mode

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if your working through the Blender course on Udemy you can see at the top left there will be a small icon (3 lines like a hamburger) just below that will be a blue button for ‘resources available’.
on that there will be a link to show the forum discussion topic.
clicking that will take you to this forum, and its related lecture topic so you can ask a question or share your work pictures.

for lecture questions you can also use the Udemy QnA, at the bottom of the lecture you will see this image
clicking that will open the QnA window on the right where you can ask questions about the specific lecture that you are currently showing/playing.

the QnA is monitored by the Student Instructor and some other students will also have a read if they check the QnA for answers to any questions they may also have related to that lecture.

For the forums, new questions/comments are flagged up as unread or new to all forum users, so if people are looking at the blender section they can see what new comments posts are there from the main community forum screen.

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