I can't see the circle when I test the game

I’m having an issue where the timer image doesn’t show up when testing the game, I’ve come back here because this is where we implemented the image itself, I know I had problems before with the answer buttons not showing up and the only fix I could find was editing the Quiz Canvas Sort Order but that doesn’t appear to be an option for its children.


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What circle are you referring to? Could you please share screenshots of what you see in Unity?

Also bear in mind that I do not know anything about your project and what you did unless you are sharing information on your project and what you did.

Hey thanks for getting back to me, I’ve actually resolved my issue, have no idea what the problem was I just started from scratch. It was the timer circle in the UI for the Quiz game in the Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D Online Course - 2021 course.

Sorry I figured since I clicked to make this post from within the course that it would be linked in some way.

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