Everytime I Play I am getting ActorGettingThatOpens as “None”
I’m needing to eject from play and select the ActorThatOpens as the DefaultPawn_BP
please Solve My Query ASAP cuz I’m Struck.
Everytime I Play I am getting ActorGettingThatOpens as “None”
I’m needing to eject from play and select the ActorThatOpens as the DefaultPawn_BP
Try recompiling.
I ve tried Recompiling it in VS and UE4 like 100s of times but no change showed up.
I even referred the Code in the Resource Files and my friends code too bit no use…
is something wrong in my code or in my engine?
Are you sure you’re playing instead of simulating?
Have you logged out the variable in begin play to see if it has indeed been set?
I have Used Unreal Engine 4.24.3 is that the case ?
Then What’s the solution to my problem I downloaded UE 4.24 but now when I try to open the .uproject file, it says " Error : This was made in Newer Version " What do I do now
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