I cant change speed of ProjectileMovementComponent

First of all :
1-I am using an ActorComponent script.
2-I am using a ProjectileMovementComponent that has 0 InitialSpeed and MaxSpeed. i didnt create one using CreateSubDefaultObject because when i try use CreateSubDefaultObject it creates it when the object gets spawned but not in the blueprint it self.

The problem is when i make a pointer of type UProjectileMovementComponent and reference it to the actual ProjectileMovementComponent so i can change the Initialspeed and MaxSpeed variables of the ProjectileMovementComponent in the BeginPlay() function , it changes the values ( i can see the values when i select the spawned Actor and select the ProjectileMovementComponent) but the projectile doesnt move , however if i initialized the Initial and Max speeds in the blueprint itself , it works.

can anyone tell me how can i change the Initial and Max speeds?

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