I cannot rebuild my solution

After having multiple compile attempts fail (with error messages I didn’t understand), I decided to comment out all of the new material from the lecture and compile without it. The compile worked. Then I tried to rebuild the solution, and received an error stating:

Unable to delete C:\Users\jared\Documents\Unreal Projects\SimpleShooter\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-SimpleShooter.dll (Unable to delete ‘C:\Users\jared\Documents\Unreal Projects\SimpleShooter\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-SimpleShooter.dll’: Access to the path ‘C:\Users\jared\Documents\Unreal Projects\SimpleShooter\Binaries\Win64\UE4Editor-SimpleShooter.dll’ is denied.)

I’m not really sure how that even happens. Definitely not certain what the next step to take is.

Have you tried deleting the .vs, binaries and intermediate folders then generating the vs files? Oh delete the .sln as well

You most likely have your project open. Rebuilding involves deleting the binaries which it can’t do if you have it loaded in Unreal.

Unfortunately, no. I’ve tried rebuilding with Unreal closed as well, several times just for good measure. I did however just realize that I copied the error message from when I tried rebuilding it with the Engine open. Here’s the message with the engine closed.

Unable to delete C:\Users\jared\Documents\Unreal Projects\SimpleShooter\Intermediate\Build\Win64\SimpleShooterEditor\Development (Unable to delete \?\C:\Users\jared\Documents\Unreal Projects\SimpleShooter\Intermediate\Build\Win64\SimpleShooterEditor\Development\Engine\SharedPCH.Engine.ShadowErrors.h)

Okay. So I tried opening the file from the error message, reviewed it for errors (found none), saved it anyway, then tried rebuilding again. And this time it worked. Absolutely no clue how or why but I’m just grateful that it did!

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