I cannot move my arms(mesh)

Hello everybody,

I got a problem i am trying to solve since this afternoon.

Explanation :
I try to position my arms correctly on the screen, moving it on the right, left, up …, but that doesnt work, my modifications are not applied in the game, only in the BP character. I can move the camera but not the mesh. And more, after a certain time, unreal instantly make me not able to move it anymore. i made a video to show you explicitly my problem here.
And here some photos (but less explicits than the video)

Isaw a topic on it here Cant move viewmodel - #2 by via and i tryied to remake another character (similarly) but after a certain time, that come back and i cannot move anything…
I am bored about that bug :tired_face: , and i cannot find any solution to this :sob:, can someone help me please ?

Update :
I finaly found a temporary solution to make me able to do it.
I just deleted my instance of my Character on my perspective view, and drop another one insead of, and that works actually. But if someone has a reason to make me understand why, is that normal ?

I’m not sure if this was tried, but closing Unreal and opening up your project again may have resolved the issue. If we could find a reliable way to replicate this bug it would also be possible to submit it to Epic Games to try and fix.

Yes i already tryied :slight_smile:

I’m just going to chip in here and say that I’ve also just run into this issue. This is using Unreal Engine 5.3.2, so perhaps this is a bug particular to this version. Thanks, too, for sharing that deleting the Character from the game world and re-adding it from the blueprint is a workaround - this worked for me, too, when everything else seemed not to (including saving and restarting the application).

For anyone else using this solution, you will also need to re-set the ‘Auto Possess Player’ setting on your re-created player asset.

I will also add that while this issue persisted, for some reason I WAS able to rotate the mesh / arms on the character - it was only changing the location that didn’t work (I didn’t test scale). I’ll also add that moving the mesh worked just fine earlier in the course when initially putting the mesh into position a number of videos earlier (same engine version). It could be that any one of the things we’ve done during the course since that point could have triggered the bug, but simply wouldn’t have known about it because we weren’t moving the mesh again until now.

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