I beg to differ with Vector2 GetGridPos function

Just interested on your opinions whether GetGridPos() should return position on grid like it does in video or position in 2D playarea coordinates. I mean, GetGridPos() does exactly what it says - returns grid position but I was just thinking that in Waypoint’s point of view it would probably be more relevant to return coordinates like (1,0), (2,2), (1,2) etc. instead of numbers that rely on grid size. I don’t know, just thinking and not saying that either way is more wrong or right than another. Instead of GetGridPos() I made GetCoordinates() which returns like I explained. Then of course some logic had to be inverted so that snapping still works etc.

My final argument is that if you use GetGridPos() and you get (124,248) that may not tell you much and you can’t really tell is it far from origin or not. If you use GetCoordinates() and get (124,248) you understand right away that this tile is pretty far away.

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