First of all I would like to express my frustration at your artist > designer workflow. By importing HORIBLY managed assets into an even more messy project you are just making it harder for the students following along.
I know that this is supposed to teach people how to clean-up their project but I just spend more than 2 hours cleaning up my project ( removing redundant/white materials, cleaning up prefabs, organising the folder structure)… It was a horrible experience and I reckon that this will put people either off your course or off game-dev entirely.
Thing is. First two times you have imported something in the videos I could have just used github to copy everything because you left it in so-so state. But currently there are floating entities and emply collider boxes everywhere in your showcase level.
TLDR: This most definitly will be the last video for a lot of people following this course as using the assets you have provided is almost impossible if you want to have your project clean and not messy.