I am unable to trigger collision to print message in the console


I have rigidbody and box collider setup on my ship, I have terrain and enemy ship setup with collider, I followed the script for both OncollisionEnter and OntriggerEnter. But nothing is printed. Somehow doesn’t matter if I check trigger box or not on my ship, I don’t collide with the terrain or enemy ship. I even created a cube with collider on it, still nothing. I am very puzzled… Could someone please help me.

Thank you

Could you get a screenshot of the script in question, as well as the colliders of each object in the inspector?

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Try capitalizing the ‘T’ in OnTriggerEnter(). Method names are case-sensitive. Do it with OnCollisionEnter as well.


Thank you, Gerald!!! I can’t believe I missed it… thank you so much!!!

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Syntax errors are the best, as they’re easy to fix. Glad I could help!


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