I Am Going To ... Design an RPG

Lecture Ref: 5_IN_RPG

I’m going to follow part 1 then part 2, I’m not seeing the Mini Courses anywhere though for Saving and Dialogue.

I really want to do these, I don’t know if I’m being blind or if they aren’t available yet?

creating a saving system is a section of the RPG course that you can skip because it is quite advanced. I haven’t even taken that section yet and I’ve finished both the RPG core combat course and the Inventory course. Not that I might not understand it at this point, but basically Sam gives you the saving package as an asset and then goes through how to use it, and not just in the rpg, you can use it any game. Dialogue is still being worked on, as I’m waiting with bated breathe for that… @sampattuzzi any update on dialogue?

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It’s in the queue at the moment behind me finishing the Unreal Simple Shooter section which isn’t far off being done.

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