I am creating guitar but it is looking different and i am unable to make corners rounded

i am creating guitar but it is looking different and i am unable to make corners rounded.can you help me how to solve this problem.guitar.blend (542.3 KB)

Best suggestion i can think of is to come back to this after the chess section.
There are some good techniques in that section that will really help you take a good direction on this and see why you are having issues.

Watch this tutorial series by tutor4u on making a ukulele. It will enlighten you on how best to go about making the guitar.

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[Edit] I noticed this question was ask a month ago, but perhaps I can still give some useful advice?

Well, so, please look at the main body, (that’s all I’ve changed):

guitar.blend (524.9 KB)

I was a bit confused with your mesh, so here’s how I cleaned it up:
I went into edit mode, took the guitar neck, and I separated it from the main object, so as to be able to work on the body (click a vertex on the neck, press L and all the vertices belonging to the neck will be selected. Then press P, and choose “By selection”, so you’ll have the neck as a separate object).
Then I set the origin to the main part of the guitar(set origin to object), and then I snapped the object to center. After that, I selected “Face select”, and selected the half of the guitar that had the weird geometry and deleted the faces (“Face delete”).
After that, I selected the remaining half, duplicated it, then set the scale to -1 on the X axis (shift + D, S + X + -1). Then pressed W and selected “Flip normals” from the drop-down menu.
After that selected all the vertices, and clicked remove doubles (make sure you push that up to at least 0.020).
Then I filled in all the holes and tweaked a couple of vertices, so that the aren’t splitting.

The rest:
removed the planes at the side of the guitar, added a couple of loop cuts, and used scaling in one axis (the axis of width, I rotated the guitar while editing) with proportionate editing, which made the guitar more round.

I know it’s a long post, but I hope it can be of use to many, since I’ve used some tricks, that you might not have known and that make the job much easier.

P.S.: Try not to stray far from your Origin, and use the axis (all three of them), to navigate your vertices/objects around, makes the job so much easier.

P.P.S.: In your Tools bar, if you click Options, you will find the option “X Mirror”. If your mesh is in the center of the scene (0, 0, 0), and if you select that option, you can edit both sides of the mesh by editing/moving vertices only on the one side.

P.P.P.S.: Great work! Keep it up!

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