I added and exposed an OpensClockwise bool field

I added a bool bOpensClockwise parameter and exposed it to the editor because I did not feel comfortable having to specify a negative number for the OpenAngle parameter to get my desired result. Instead, like this I only had to tick/untick a checkbox and still be able to use positive numbers.

In the OpenDoor.h I added a private field and defaulted it to true to have clockwise rotation without specifying otherwise:

	bool bOpensClockwise = true;

And in the OpenDoor.cpp in the BeginPlay() function I changed the setup of OpenAngle like so:

	InitialYaw = GetOwner()->GetActorRotation().Yaw;
	if (bOpensClockwise)
		OpenAngle = InitialYaw + OpenAngle;
		OpenAngle = InitialYaw - OpenAngle;

Hope someone finds this useful! :slight_smile:

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I found it useful :slight_smile:

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