Take control of a flying hybrid vehicle in a universe of increasing carbon footprint to stop the ravages of climate change. Blast swarms of the evil republic’s space force out of the sky. Featuring destructible environments and swaths of chaos; nothing screams sustainability quite like gratuitous amounts of explosions and shrapnel flying everywhere!
My free screen recorder software is kind of choppy though… using active presenter currently; will be looking for something else
Windows 10 has a great screen recorder built in. Press Windows+G to activate. Video has been updated.
I’ve added some additional features:
-destructible objects
-ammo system with recharge (thank you oscillator script from project boost!)
-sound effects for the lasers
-particle effect and sound effect for ammo depletion
-particle effects for successful shots on enemies
For those interested, here’s the method for firing guns (features a bit of modified code from the next lesson):
private void SetGunsActive(bool isActive)
foreach (GameObject gun in guns)
var emmissionModule = gun.GetComponent<ParticleSystem>().emission;
var soundModule = gun.GetComponent<AudioSource>();
if (gunFuel >= 1)
emmissionModule.enabled = isActive;
soundModule.enabled = isActive;
emmissionModule.enabled = false;
soundModule.enabled = false;
gunFuel = 0f;
GameObject emptyGun = Instantiate(outOfAmmoFX, transform.position, Quaternion.identity);