HunterxHunter Greed Island's Entrance Tower

Hello Everyone!

I’m a beginner on 3d in general, and I just finished section 02 extra challenge of the course! Besides the assigned extra challenges, I was watching Hunter x Hunter anime when I began the course, and when I saw Greed Island’s Entrance Tower I thought to myself “That’s something simple enough that I can model with what I know so far!”


So I took some notes of how I thought I could go about it, and now that I finally finished section 02 and it’s extra challenges, I decided to try and model it before going on to section 03!

Here are the notes I wrote: (my handwriting is terrible and it’s also written in Portuguese, but basically it helped me decide how many segments I’d want for the cylinder and how I’d organize the different shapes, it helped me understand the shape of the tower as I had only one reference)

And finally, the results of the modeling:


Now I’m off to section 03, and I’ll come back to this once I know how to add materials and lighting!


Looks awesome! :smiley:

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Ok, so I’ve skipped some videos to the one that teaches how to UV unwrap, and I was able to finish this in time for the discord biweekly challenge!

I did the lighting by trial and error, just so I could get somewhat nicer renders! Now it’s back to chapter 03 of the course to learn things in order!

Oh, and the UV Maps ended up looking like this:
main tower

suspended corridor

side tower


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