Human Head Model - Sculpting Attempt

My husband said I could use him as a reference, I jokingly said “this will be a test of our marriage”… I flopped. LOL


Looks like a great attempt. I am super nervous to eventually get into sculpting. I just bought a digital tablet for whenever the day comes haha… Nice work.


lol, it’s hard enough to sculpt a head let alone get it to look like someone, nice work - well done y
ou xxx jess


Digital sculpting is tricky to get used to. Rick goes the route of starting from a sphere and does not have any references set up properly to my way of thinking. But it may suit others.
You can add in references directly behind and to the side to use as a guide.

You can box model the basic shape out ready.

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A good start! Digital sculpting is a really cool medium :sunglasses:

What kind of tablet, if you don’t mind me asking?


I bought the Huion 16 (2021) model. After watching a million videos on tablets, I decided Wacom just wasn’t worth the price point and that Huion was a great option! I have absolutely zero drawing skills but I’m hoping I can maybe get there one day :slight_smile:

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I think that’s a good choice! Drawing and sculpting are both skills that can be learned with practice in my opinion, you’ll get there :slight_smile:

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Thanks, I appreciate the good words!

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