How would you go about finding the issue of that bug?

You talk about having a bug with the gridmap, when hovering over the edge of a tile, a new red tile in an empty space gets placed. And then you fix it with the get_cell_item function and checking if it is equal to 0.

It is nice to know how to fix this, but how do you go about finding the issue of that bug and know how to fix it?
Because, sometimes it seems to me that, in order to fix a bug, I would need to know every function that is available, which is kind of daunting. :sweat_smile:

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Hi Bever,

I am sorry that you did not receive a reply in a timely manner, I am guessing our tagging system has not been working correctly as today is the first time i am seeing quite a few posts in our daily checks.
Sometimes its a lot of playing around and reading the documentation to find out why an issue is occurring and others a lot of luck on hitting on a solution.
Its happened before as i review the content in the course and i find a bug and i accidentally hit on a solution, It may not be entirely correct but it leads us to the reason that it occurred and a better solution is found

Hope you have enjoyed the course

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