How would I implement a restart?

I’d like to add the ability to press a key to restart after winning or losing the game so the player doesn’t have to close and reopen the game. Would someone be able to explain this to me? I tried to find steps for this online and I didn’t see anything.

I feel like I’m halfway to getting how one would do that but not entirely. Any help would be appreciated! :raised_hands:

I’m going to leave some of this as a challenge for you to implement but I’ll break-down how restarts work for any game with some context for Dapper Dasher to make it easier.

First, let’s break down the tasks needed for a restart to work in any game on a high level. Whether this be restarting a level or restarting the whole game.

  • Identify the variables in the game’s state that would trigger a game over, this being the state of the player and any other objects in the game.
  • Determine what their default state(s) would be at the start of the game
  • Reset those states to their default values from the start of the game, usually after the press of a button or click of a UI element that was shown to the player.

Let’s take a look at the first task for Dapper Dasher:

  • Our game is over when either there is a collision with the nebulae or we reach the finish line.
  • As a recap, collision is set to true when any of the nebulae come into contact with the player and ends the game. Our other game over condition is when scarfy’s x position is greater than the finish line we set.

Which means that in order for a game over case to be false we need both the collision variable to be false and for scarfyData.pos.x >= finishLine to also be returning false.

Alright, now let’s outline the challenge with a little psuedo-code. I’ll help out by placing it in the area where it would be best suited.

if (collision)
    // lose the game
    DrawText("Game Over!", windowDimensions[0]/4, windowDimensions[1]/2, 40, RED);

    //Prompt the player to restart the game
        //If yes, restart the game
            //Reset collision
            //Reset scarfy
            //Reset nebulae and finish line
        //If no, close the game
else if (scarfyData.pos.x >= finishLine)
    // win the game
    DrawText("You Win!", windowDimensions[0]/4, windowDimensions[1]/2, 40, RED);
    //Prompt the player to restart the game
        //If yes, restart the game
            //Reset collision
            //Reset scarfy
            //Reset nebulae and finish line
       //If no, close the game

I’ll leave the implementation to you as a challenge. Everything you’ve learned so far will be enough to tackle this. Good luck and happy learning!

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